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MCR3U Exponential Functions

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  • #24004

    MLS Admin

    A spotlight uses coloured gels to create the different colours of light required for a theatrical production. Each gel reduces the original intensity of the light by 3.6%. Write an equation that models the intensity of light, I, as a function of the number of gels used. Use your equation to determine the percent of light left if the three gels are used. Explain why this is an example of exponential decay.


    Na Yi


    /Users/cyndi/Desktop/截屏2022-10-19 09.22.44.png
    0.896 less than 1, so this is an example of exponential decay.



    0.896 less than 1, so this is an example of exponential decay.


    Administrator MLS

    Hi students,
    You can solve the above question using the concept of exponential decay as each gel reduces the original intensity of the light. Use the formula with i=3.6%.

    I hope this hint helps. All the best!

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