We Offer Ontario Secondary School Diploma

Inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education

Course Description

In this course, students will explore physical processes related to the earth’s water, land, and air. They will investigate how these processes shape the planet’s natural characteristics and affect human systems, how they are involved in the creation of natural disasters, and how they influence the impacts of human disasters. Throughout the course, students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process and use spatial technologies to analyse these processes, make predictions related to natural disasters, and assess ways of responding to them.

Overall Curriculum Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

A. Geographic Inquiry and Skill Development
A1 Geographic Inquiry: use the geographic inquiry process and the concepts of geographic thinking when investigating geographic issues in a selected region
A2 Developing Transferable Skills: apply in everyday contexts skills, including spatial skills, developed through geographical investigation, and identify some careers in which a background in geography might be an asset
B1 Physical Processes and Natural Hazards: analyse the characteristics of different types of natural hazards, and explain the role of physical processes in their occurrence (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Interrelationships)
B2 Spatial Connections: analyse relationships between physical processes and the earth’s physical characteristics (FOCUS ON: Patterns and Trends; Interrelationships)
B3 Physical Characteristics of the Earth: describe the spatial distribution of the earth’s physical features and the processes that form them (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Interrelationships)
C1 Renewing the Physical Environment: analyse the role of physical processes and human practices in maintaining a sustainable natural environment (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
C2 Human Impact on the Physical Environment: analyse the impacts of human lessons on the earth’s physical processes and the natural environment (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Interrelationships)
C3 Human Use of the Physical Environment: analyse the influence of physical processes and features on human lesson (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Geographic Perspective)
D1 Sharing the Physical Environment: analyse issues relating to natural and human impacts on the environment and the sharing of natural resources between population groups (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
D2 Population and Disasters: analyse the influence of human settlement choices and the earth’s physical processes on the impacts of disasters (FOCUS ON: Patterns and Trends; Interrelationships)
D3 Earth’s Planetary Characteristics and Life: explain the significance of Earth’s planetary characteristics and history for the development and maintenance of life on Earth (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Interrelationships
E1 Impacts of Processes and Disasters: analyse impacts of physical processes and disasters on human and natural systems, locally, nationally, and globally (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
E2 Disaster Preparedness: assess the role and effectiveness of various options for reducing the impacts of disasters on human populations (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Geographic Perspective)
E3 Processes of Change: describe how the earth’s natural systems change, and have changed, over various time scales, and explain some of the processes that cause these changes (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends)

Course Content

Unit Title Unit Time
Unit 1 Can Think Like a Geographer! 20 hours
Unit 2 The Dynamic Earth: How Natural Forces Shape Our Planet 30 hours
6LX5h=30 HRS
Unit 3 Earth Is Our Home: How Planet Earth Responds to Human Lesson 20 hours
Unit 4 Earth Connected: How We Rely on the Earth and Each Other 20 hours
Unit 5 The Changing Earth: How We Prepare, Survive and Respond to Earth’s Forces 20 hours
Total : 110 hrs


Course Curriculum

Course Outline 00:00:00
Mark and Hour Breakdown 00:00:00
Unit 1
U1L1 00:00:00
U1L2 00:00:00
U1L3 00:00:00
U1L3 Worksheet 00:00:00
U1L4 00:00:00
CGF3M AOL1 2 days
Unit 2
U2L1 00:00:00
U2L2 00:00:00
U2L3 00:00:00
U2L7 Worksheet 00:00:00
U2L4 00:00:00
U2L8 Worksheet 00:00:00
U2L5 00:00:00
U2L9 Worksheet 00:00:00
U2L6 00:00:00
CGF3M AOL 2 2 days
Unit 3
U3L1 00:00:00
U3L11 worksheet 00:00:00
U3L2 00:00:00
U3L12Worksheet 00:00:00
U3L3 00:00:00
U3L13 worksheet 00:00:00
U3L4 00:00:00
CGF3M AOL3 2 days
Unit 4
U4L1 00:00:00
U4L2 00:00:00
U4L16 worksheet 00:00:00
U4L3 00:00:00
U4L17 worksheet 00:00:00
U4L4 00:00:00
U4L18 worksheet 00:00:00
CGF3M AOL4 2 days
Unit 5
U5L1 00:00:00
U5L2 00:00:00
U5L20 worksheet 00:00:00
U5L3 00:00:00
U5L4 00:00:00
CGF3M AOL5 2 days
CGF3M CCA 2 days
Final Exam
How to request 00:00:00
CGF3M Final Exam 2 days

Course Reviews


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  • $800.00$2,000.00
  • 365 Days
  • Course Badge



Course Details:

  • Course Code
  • OSSD Credit Value
  • Pre-requisite
    Issues in Canadian Geography, Grade 9, Academic or Applied
  • Tuition Fee
    Canadian students: $800 International students: $2000
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