We Offer Ontario Secondary School Diploma

Inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education

Course Description

The Calculus and Vectors course is designed to prepare students for university programs, such as science, engineering, and economics that include a calculus or linear algebra course in the first year. This course builds on students’ previous experience with functions and their developing understanding of rates of change. Students will solve problems involving geometric and algebraic representations of vectors and representations of lines and planes in three-dimensional space; broaden their understanding of rates of change to include the derivatives of polynomial, sinusoidal, exponential, rational, and radical functions; and apply these concepts and skills to the modeling of real-world relationships. Students will also refine their use of the mathematical processes necessary for success in senior mathematics.
Calculus is introduced in the Rate of Change strand by extending the numeric and graphical representation of rates of change introduced in the Advanced Functions course to include more abstract algebraic representations. The Derivatives and Their Applications strand provides students with the opportunity to develop the algebraic and problem-solving skills needed to solve problems associated with rates of change. Prior knowledge of geometry and trigonometry is used in the Geometry and Algebra of Vectors strand to develop vector concepts that can be used to solve interesting problems, including those arising from real-world applications.

Overall Curriculum Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

A. Rate of Change
A1 demonstrate an understanding of rate of change by making connections between average rate of change over an interval and instantaneous rate of change at a point, using the slopes of secants and tangents and the concept of the limit;
A2 graph the derivatives of polynomial, sinusoidal, and exponential functions, and make connections between the numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations of a function and its derivative;
A3 verify graphically and algebraically the rules for determining derivatives; apply these rules to
determine the derivatives of polynomial, sinusoidal, exponential, rational, and radical functions,
and simple combinations of functions; and solve related problems.
B. Derivatives and Applications
B1 make connections, graphically and algebraically, between the key features of a function and its first and second derivatives, and use the connections in curve sketching;
B2 solve problems, including optimization problems, that require the use of the concepts and procedures associated with the derivative, including problems arising from real-world applications and involving the development of mathematical models.
C. Geometry and Algebra of Vectors
C1 demonstrate an understanding of vectors in two-space and three-space by representing them
algebraically and geometrically and by recognizing their applications;
C2 perform operations on vectors in two-space and three-space, and use the properties of these
operations to solve problems, including those arising from real-world applications;
C3 distinguish between the geometric representations of a single linear equation or a system of two linear equations in two-space and three-space, and determine different geometric configurations of lines and planes in three-space;
C4 represent lines and planes using scalar, vector, and parametric equations, and solve problems
involving distances and intersections.

Course Content

Unit Title Hours
Unit1 Rates of Change
• Radical Expressions
• The slope of the Tangent
• Rates of change
• The limit of a function
• Properties of limits
• ContinuityDerivatives of Sinusoidal Functions
• The Derivative function
• The derivatives of Polynomial function
• The product rule
• The quotient rule
• The derivatives of composite functionsExponential and Logarithmic Functions
• Higher-order derivatives
• Maximum and minimum on an interval
• Optimization problems
39 hours
Unit2 Derivatives

  • Increasing and decreasing functions
  • Critical points, local maxima and local minima
  • Vertical and horizontal asymptotes
  • Points of inflection

Curve Sketching

  • Derivatives of exponential function
  • The derivative of general exponential function
  • optimization problems
  • the derivatives of y=sinx and y=cosx
  • the derivatives of y=tanx
28 hours
Unit3 Geometric Vectors

  • Introduction to vectors
  • Vector addition
  • Multiplication of a vector by scalar
  • Properties of vectors
  • Vectors in 2-D and 3-Doperations with vectors
  • Linear combinations

Cartesian Vectors

  • Vector as forces
  • Velocity
  • The dot product
  • Scalar and vector projections
  • The cross product
  • Applications od dot product

Lines and Planes

  • Intersection of a line with a plane
  • Systems of equations
  • Intersection of two planes
  • The distance from a point to a line
43 hours
Total 110 hrs

Course Curriculum

Course Outline 00:00:00
Hour Breakdown 00:00:00
Mark Breakdown 00:00:00
Unit 1
U1L1 00:00:00
U1L2 00:00:00
U1L3 00:00:00
U1L4 00:00:00
U1L5 00:00:00
MCV4U U1L5 AOL1 2 days
Unit 2
U2L1 00:00:00
U2L2 00:00:00
U2L3 00:00:00
MCV4U U2L3 AOL2 2 days
Unit 3
U3L1 00:00:00
U3L2 00:00:00
U3L3 00:00:00
MCV4U U3L3 AOL3 2 days
Unit 4
U4L1 00:00:00
U4L2 00:00:00
U4L3 00:00:00
MCV4U U4L3 AOL4 2 days
Unit 5
U5L1 00:00:00
U5L2 00:00:00
U5L3 00:00:00
U5L4 00:00:00
U5L5 00:00:00
U5L6 00:00:00
MCV4U U5L6 AOL5 2 days
MCV4U U5L6 AOL6 2 days
Unit 6
U6L1 00:00:00
U6L2 00:00:00
MCV4U U6L2 AOL7 2 days
MCV4U CCA AOL8 2 days
Final Exam
How to request 00:00:00
MCV4U Final Exam 5 days

Course Reviews


4 ratings
  • 5 stars3
  • 4 stars1
  • 3 stars0
  • 2 stars0
  • 1 stars0
  1. audhcoiashnxiaxmaonscabcoaisnc



  2. No comments, very good


    No comments, very good

  3. good


    Good good good good good

  4. MCV4U


    This course gave me an in-depth understanding of the knowledge and application of calculus

  • $800.00$2,000.00
  • 365 Days
  • Course Badge



Course Details:

  • Course Code
  • OSSD Credit Value
  • Pre-requisite
    Grade 12 Advanced Functions, University (MHF4U)
  • Tuition Fee
    Canadian students: $800 International students: $2000
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