We Offer Ontario Secondary School Diploma

Inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education

Part-Time Students

MAPLE Leaf School

Get ahead of your next semester, or enhance your course
grades with our engaging courses!
  1. Students looking to improve a course grade or to satisfy a prerequisite for university applications.
  2. Students looking to get ahead of a semester by taking additional courses.
  3. Students who are looking for flexibility in their learning schedule.
  4. International students can experience top-level secondary school education by taking individual OSSD credit course at MLS. They can choose to improve their academic skills on one specific subject and be well-prepared for entering top universities around the world.
In Grades 11 and 12, both attempts appear on the transcript along with the final grades achieved; however, only one credit is awarded. The attempt receiving the higher grade will be granted the credit. The attempt receiving the lower grade will have an R recorded in the Credit column on the OST, indicating that the student repeated the course and the percentage grade given for this attempt is the lower grade.
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