Maple Leaf School (MLS) is a private, asynchronous, Ministry-inspected, online high school offering high-quality Ontario Secondary School Diploma
(OSSD) credit courses.
(OSSD) credit courses.
A student wishing to obtain their OSSD must earn 30 academic credits to graduate. MLS school officials will review the student’s school transcript in order to translate the academic history of the student into Ontario school credits following the guidelines outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Education in Appendix 2 of Ontario Schools, 2016. Once MLS has established that equivalent credits have been achieved by the student, MLS will then determine the number of outstanding credits required in order for the student to receive the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. In addition to the credit requirements, students must satisfy the provincial literacy and community involvement requirements.

- MLS is willing to work with all international and local schools as well as education institutions.
- MLS will issue Ontario Secondary Report Card, Ontario Secondary Transcript and Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) to those students registered and obtained qualified scores following the guidelines of Ministry of Education in our partner schools and institutions.
- So far, we have successfully established partnership with more than 10 schools all over the world.
Please contact for details.