Consistently ranked in the top 5 secondary school programs worldwide.
1. Post-Secondary Applications
A. Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC)
A student whose OSR resides at MLS, who is currently earning the OSSD, and who wishes to apply to universities through an OUAC account is considered a 101 applicant. This student may request that MLS establish a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for them. Once MLS creates the PIN, it is emailed to the student along with the required information and application instructions. The student then uses this information to log in and create a 101 Application with OUAC. Once the student has applied, all academic information from Grades 11 and 12 will be uploaded to OUAC. MLS can provide additional guidance to students regarding the application process if required. Contact us for details now:
The fee for this OUAC service is $150. (Please note that this fee is separate from any fees that OUAC charges.)
The fee for this OUAC service is $150. (Please note that this fee is separate from any fees that OUAC charges.)
For students applying to post-secondary schools outside Ontario or students who are OUAC 105 applicants, MLS will provide post-secondary institutions a letter of enrolment, midterm report, and a final report. A fee of $30 is applicable for each school requested.
B. Individualized University Counseling
MLS provides all students with one to one guidance when students apply for their post-secondary education. MLS wants to ensure all students make their best decisions when choosing their post-secondary education and future career path. School’s guidance counselors assist students to find their most suitable university programs and provide students with detailed information for each program.
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The fee for this Individualized University Counseling is $2000.
Contact us for details now:
The fee for this Individualized University Counseling is $2000.
2. The Ontario Student Record (OSR)
The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is a physical file folder which must be created for each student upon registration. This includes registering for any public, Catholic, or Ministry-inspected private school in Ontario and registration at international schools authorized to grant OSSD credits. The OSR contains all official school records for a single student. Every student taking a course with Maple Leaf School must either have an existing OSR or must arrange to establish a new OSR. The contents of the OSR are protected by the Education Act and Freedom of Information legislation for the province of Ontario.
If a MLS student is also currently attending or has graduated from another school granting OSSD credits, that student’s OSR may continue to reside at the home school. When a student completes a course, MLS will send an official copy of the final report card directly to the home school, where the credit will be added to the student’s Ontario Student Transcript.
If MLS is a student’s primary school of registration or a student does not have an existing OSR, MLS may need to contact the student to facilitate the creation or acquisition of these records.
If a MLS student is also currently attending or has graduated from another school granting OSSD credits, that student’s OSR may continue to reside at the home school. When a student completes a course, MLS will send an official copy of the final report card directly to the home school, where the credit will be added to the student’s Ontario Student Transcript.
If MLS is a student’s primary school of registration or a student does not have an existing OSR, MLS may need to contact the student to facilitate the creation or acquisition of these records.
If MLS determines that a new OSR must be created:
- The student will provide a copy of Official government ID to MLS Guidance.
- MLS will issue an Ontario Education Number (OEN) to that student.
- MLS will create an OSR for the student.
The responsibilities of MLS will include issuing the OEN, creating the OSR, and maintaining up-to-date records within the OSR, including the Ontario Student Transcript.
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The fee of the MLS to establish a new OSR for the international student is $800.
The fee of the MLS to establish a new OSR for the international student is $800.
After an OSR has been established by MLS or received from another Ontario school, there are optional services available from MLS.
- Equivalent Credit Assessment
- Ontario Secondary School Report Card
- Ontario Secondary School Transcript
- Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC)
- Ontario College Application Centre (OCAC)
- Ontario Secondary School Literacy Text (OSSLT)
- Outgoing OSR Transfer
- Individualized University Counseling
3. The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) is a compulsory requirement of the OSSD. This test is written in late March or early April of each year by all Grade 10 students attending an Ontario high school. Students who wish to write the test through MLS must register for the OSSLT by contacting the Instructor of MLS. Special arrangements must be made to have the test taken at an educational institution, and the OSSLT must be supervised by a suitable official, as required by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) and the Ontario Ministry of Education. These arrangements must also be approved by the EQAO in order for a student to proceed with the test. Students who did not write the test in Grade 10 or were unsuccessful on the test, may rewrite the test in subsequent years:
Contact us for details now:
The fee for writing the test at Maple Leaf School is $150. The fee for writing the test at an alternative location is $350.
The fee for writing the test at Maple Leaf School is $150. The fee for writing the test at an alternative location is $350.
Students are required to meet the provincial literacy requirement in order to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Successful completion of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) will satisfy this requirement. Students who have been eligible to write the OSSLT at least twice, and were unsuccessful at least once, are eligible to take the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course to fulfill the literacy requirement.
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The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (course code: OLC4O) fee: $800 for Canadian students and $2000 for international students.
The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (course code: OLC4O) fee: $800 for Canadian students and $2000 for international students.
4. Ontario Secondary School Report Card
The report card includes the student’s Ontario Education Number, the student’s percentage grades, and the teachers’ descriptive comments and reports on the student’s learning skills. Midterm report cards are issued when students have completed the first 50% of the course. The final report card will be issued within 2 weeks of the teacher receiving a student’s final exam.
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MLS will provide one copy of report card to registered students without any charges, and mail it to their home school within Canada. Extra copies are available upon request; each copy costs $20.
5. Ontario Student Transcript
The Ontario Student Transcript provides a complete record of all Ontario secondary school credit courses taken. Any course completed successfully, withdrawn from or failed will appear on the student transcript along with the marks earned in each course. Students are able to request official transcript to be sent to home schools or a university/college.Â
Contact us for details now:
MLS can provide official transcripts for its enrolled full-time students at a cost of $50 per copy. Additional copies are avaible upon request, and transcripts can also be sent directly to the appropriate institution within or outside of Canada (postage not included).
If students need to mail the transcript to universities outside out Canada, there will be a charge of $150 for international shipping cost
6. Final exam
In-Person Proctoring
The student may select a proctor to meet with in person for the purpose of invigilating the exam. The student must apply to write the final exam a minimum of two weeks* prior to the proposed exam date by submitting a Proctor Approval Application to the MLS Exams Administrator.
In order to be approved, any in-person exam proctor must meet all of the following criteria:
- Must not be related to the student in any way
- Must not be a student at any level of study
- Must not be a tutor
- Must have a university degree or college designation
- Must be able to read and speak in the English language
- Must have a valid, non-generic business email address provided by the proctor's current place of work
If the proctor is approved, both the proctor and student will be provided with detailed exam instructions via email. The approved proctor and student may then proceed with the final exam as scheduled. Once the exam has been written, the proctor must sign the Proctor Memorandum provided by MLS indicating that all procedures were properly followed. This document must be returned to the MLS Exams Administrator promptly following the exam. A student’s final grade is not released until this document has been submitted.